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JROTC CyberPatriot Team

CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program. At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images representing operating systems. They are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in six hours.

Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region. The top teams in the nation earn all-expenses-paid trips to Baltimore, MD for the National Finals Competition, where they can earn national recognition and scholarship money.

The Wagner JROTC CyberPatriot Team participated in their inaugural CyberPatriot competition on Saturday, October 23. Team Thunderbird was excited to be up against over 1500 JROTC CyberPatriot teams throughout the United States. This was the first round of four, and the team will compete through January. We are very proud of our cadets, who proudly represent Wagner High School and the Thunderbird JROTC Battalion!