Internet Safety & Cyberbullying

  • Bully-Free sign 野花社区视频 ISD takes internet safety and cyberbullying very seriously. 野花社区视频 ISD began annual 野花社区视频-wide training of students on internet safety and cyberbullying in 2010.

    野花社区视频 ISD encourages parents to discuss your expectations for your child's online behavior with your child and to carefully monitor their internet use. While many potentially objectionable sites are not available when students are on the 野花社区视频 ISD network, they may be available from home computers, friends' computers, cell phones, and libraries. Additionally, sites like Facebook and Twitter (which students cannot access while at 野花社区视频 ISD schools), are sites that are often the focus of cyberbullying.

    For more information on Internet Safety & Cyberbullying, visit these sites:

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