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野花社区视频 Agriculture Exposition

The 野花社区视频 FFA Agriculture Exposition was hosted last week, December 9th- 11th. The event was a free event that was open to the community for all to enjoy. To prepare, students were busy raising, building, and creating projects to present for this year's show.

The 野花社区视频 Agriculture Exposition promotes responsibility and leadership skills through the educational work of the 野花社区视频 FFA Chapter. This is accomplished by incorporating all phases of agriculture. To honor the students for their accomplishments, we reward them with money donated by generous donors. The search is always on for patrons interested in contributing to ensure the students' continued success.

These students have shown responsibility and proven efficient at acquiring skills such as responsibility, hard work, teamwork, and dedication. Texas high schools are filled with young people ready to graduate and enter the workforce. Many will choose to utilize the skills they have learned by attending a university or trade school. The 野花社区视频 Agriculture Exposition is proud of our students and looks for any way to help them as they are prepared for life.

We want to congratulate all the students who participated in the event and thank all the families, staff, and donors who help make this event possible every year!