• As we head to graduation, parents and seniors can come here to find important information about senior year and graduation.

    Important Contacts
    Interim Principal: Joe Gutierrez - jgutierrez348@judsonisd.org

    Lead Counselor: JoAnne Cruz - jcruz@judsonisd.org

    Bookkeeper: Kelley McCommons - kmccommons@judsonisd.org
    - School Dues/Obligations

    Publications Adviser:Malia Kennedy- mkennedy708@judsonisd.org
    - Senior Pictures
    - Yearbook. They can be purchased on .

    Senior Class Sponsor: Allison Matthews - amatthews@judsonisd.org

    It's not too late to order your Cap and Gown!

    Please ORDER NOW at the link below!

    Senior Picture Info

    Senior photos can be ordered through Jostens by going to . Create an account, and use the code FE217123 for the school code to find your senior's photos. The portraits will be delivered straight to your home.


    Senior Panoramics can be ordered at



    May 14: Graduation Etiquette and Expectations (and Explanation of Senior Events) during 2nd period in the cafeteria 

    May 22: Sr Awards Night--Please submit your acceptance letters and college you are committing to- to Mrs. Cynthia Cortez  CCortez@judsonisd.org

    Senior Finals May 16-May 21 (Make-up day May22)


    *Official Senior Events Calendar*

    Senior Events Calendar

    May 23: SENIOR EVENTS KICKOFF!!! SENIOR SUNRISE 6:15AM @ Rutledge Stadium (Home Side)

    Breakfast will be provided but feel free to bring your own as well as a blanket or towel.

    NO FOOD OR DRINK ON THE TRACK OR FIELD; All food must be consumed on the Home side by concessions or in the bleachers

    Senior Olympics will follow the Sunrise. Captains MUST be present by 8:30am for a quick meeting with Mrs. Scott

    Check out this presentation for more info on Senior Olympics:

    All Students are expected to show up for attendance by 8:45am (even if you aren't participating in Senior Olympics, you will watch in the stands and cheer them on)

    Senior Events Kickoff: Senior Sunrise 6:15am

    May 24: 8:45am MANDATORY Graduation Rehersal in Main Gym (Attendance will be taken and your absence at any of the Graduation Rehearsals COULD result in you not walking the stage!)

    After Rehearsal, there will be a Grab and GO picnic. 

    **OFF THE 27th for Memorial Day!**

    May 28 at 8:30am Elephant Walk!  Wear your caps and gowns. Goldbeck is coming to take your cap and gown panoramic at 8:45am, so please be dressed and on time!!!! (We highly suggest that you leave your tassels at home, as they often get lost and then you have to buy a new one at Graduation.)  You will be able to purchase the Panoramic the next day after grad practice. 

    We will bus you to the middle school you choose and then you will take your last walk around the campus as a class. Parents are welcome to come to the 野花社区视频 portion so long as you sign in with the front office. 



    Cap and Gown Panoramic


    May 29: 8:30am MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal #2 IN MAIN GYM

    Panoramics will be sold after practice. Please see the above flyer for packages and prices. 



    (May 30th is an off day-please take care of hair, nails and any other appointments you may need to prepare yourself because you will be busy all day the 31st!!!)


    May 31: MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal AT THE FREEMAN-We will bus you down there. Buses roll out at 7:15am! Rehearsal starts at 9am, and then we will bus you back to 野花社区视频 when it is over. 


    **Graduation is May 31, 2024 at 7:00 pm- Freeman Coliseum!!!!

    There will be no tickets for graduation. It is first come, first seated.  Doors open at 6pm for family and friends. Parking is $15. per carload, we recommend carpooling.