野花社区视频 High School Mission & Vision


    All 野花社区视频 ISD students will receive a quality education enabling them to become successful in a global society.



    野花社区视频 ISD is Producing Excellence! 

  • 野花社区视频 High School was established in 1959 in Converse Texas and is the first of three comprehensive high schools within 野花社区视频 ISD. 野花社区视频 High School- " The Home of Rocket Pride" is proud of the various traditions created and carried on throughout our extra and co-curricular programs. Our Rockets are proud of our storied athletic programs as well as our decorated fine arts programs. 野花社区视频 High school continues to offer and increase opportunities for our students through our CTE department. We are excited to begin our new P-Tech program, continuing to open college and career doors for all of our 21st-century students. We believe that the experiences our students gain will assist them in becoming more productive citizens in our society, which will undoubtedly demonstrate "Rocket Pride" honoring past Rockets and lighting the way for our future Rockets. 野花社区视频 High School will continue to strive toward providing an overall academic experience for all of our students, creating a learning environment conducive to producing excellence.