

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Melissa Brown

Welcome to the world of Health Science! A little about me: This is my first year teaching Health Science at 野花社区视频 High School and I am super excited about being a Rocket! Before I started working in education, I served as an Air Force Aerospace Medical Service Technician for 11 years and was a Nationally 野花社区视频ed Emergency Medical Technician during that time. I have a Masters degree in Public Health and a Bachelors degree in Psychology with a minor in Forensics. I am looking forward to getting to know each one of you and having an amazing year here at 野花社区视频 High School.


1st: Principles of Health Science

2nd: Health Science Theory

3rd: Health Science Theory

4th: Health Science Theory

5th: Conference

Tutoring Hours:

Tuesday  and Thursday 4:35-5:30 by appointment