Phone: 210-661-1110


Degrees and Certifications:

General Studies Coaching, Psychology, and Geography

Mr. Manuel

Mr. Manuels 

Welcome to Mr. Manuels Class. I am extremely excited to be here at Woodlake Hills Middle School.I will be teaching 6th grade World Cultures. Let me start by telling you a little bit about me as a person. When I was three years old, I was diagnosed with langerhans cell histiocytosis, which is a cousin of cancer that was eating my skull. Then, when I was four, I had a series of strokes which left me with a right side deficit. I graduated from high school back in 2016 from Lamar Consolidated High School in Richmond, Texas. To then further my education, I got accepted into Texas State University. There, I co-founded the Texas State Paintball team. After just one year as a club, we took home fourth place out of 100 teams. I then graduated with a degree in General Studies, with minors in coaching, psychology and geography.  The reason I share that with you all is because I want to show each and every student that walks through my door that no matter what the adversity they may be facing, there is always a way, if you put your heart and so into it.