Phone: (210) 661-1110


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Middle Grades Education ELAR and Mathematics certified grades 4-8 GT Certified ESL Certified 5 years Co-Teach experience

Mrs. Laurel Brockschmidt



Welcome to my teacher website! On this site, you will find important information about our classroom. Enjoy!

About Mrs. Brockschmidt: 

I am a 2011 graduate of Richmond Senior High School in Hamlet, North Carolina, where I was born and raised. Four years later, in 2015, I graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington where I received a Bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education with a concentration in ELAR and Mathematics. 

I began my teaching career in 2015 at Hamlet Middle School teaching 7th grade ELAR. I then moved to San Antonio for my husband’s job and have been teaching 6th grade ELAR at Woodlake Hills Middle School since. Go Wildcats! This is my ninth year teaching; time really flies by when you’re having fun!

During my time at WHMS, I have been editor-and-chief of our parent communication newsletter, The Wildcat Wire. I have also been the National Junior Honor Society sponsor and coached Ready Writing and Duet Pantomime for STALL, a regional academic competition for middle schoolers. Being involved on campus keeps me busy and gives me a sense of purpose. It also allows me to connect with students outside of the classroom, building more positive relationships amongst staff and students. 

Each year brings its new challenges, but it also brings rich successes. I am encouraged that this year will be the best yet!