Phone: 210-662-2220


Degrees and Certifications:

BBA in Marketing/Minor in Economics 1993 EC-4th Generalist 2005 ESL Certification 2008

Mrs. Pamela Arredondo

Hi!  Welcome to Kindergarten and Pink Circle,

I grew up in San Antonio and attended St. Thomas More Catholic School and Providence High School.  I graduated from Our Lady of Lake University with a BBA in marketing and minor in Economics and worked in that field for several years.     After I had my First child I decided to go back to school and get my Teachers Certification so that I could start my 2nd career in a dream job.  I earned my EC-4 Teaching certification from U.T.S.A. and was fortunate enough to be a substitute teacher for several years that gave me valuable experience in different grades.  I have been enriching children's lives in Pre-K and Kindergarten through 野花社区视频 ISD since 2009. 

My husband Alex and I have 4 beautiful children:  Danielle (23); Tori (21); Hondo (19) and Jacob (9). and were blessed this year with our beautiful Granddaughter Jeanette. We currently have 3 beautiful fur babies:  Nessy, Oreo and Peanut that are a big part of our lives.  My hobbies are baking, crafting, playing games, reading and swimming.  I Love Mexican food and I Love to spend time with family and friends.

My happiest teaching moments are teaching a child to read and seeing the gleam in a child's eye when they finally "get it."  My wish is to give each student their wings to soar to great heights in their education and in life!  Your child is and always will be an important part of my life.