Meet the Teacher

Phone: (210) 662-2220


Degrees and Certifications:

EC-4 Generalist EC-12 Special Education Associates Degree in General Studies Bachelor's Degree in Psychology w/minor in Behavioral sciences/child development

Ms. Michelle Phillips

Welcome to our Early Childhood Special Education classroom. I'm so excited to be here at Woodlake Elementary and I know we are going to have a fabulous year. This is my second year teaching in an Early Childhood Special Education classroom.  I previous taught PPCD (now known as ECSE) at Escondido Elementary.  Many years ago, I started my educational career at Spring Meadows Elementary as an instructional paraprofessional in a life skills classroom.  I absolutely fell in love with the students and knew then that I wanted to become a Special Education Teacher.  The following year, our life skills class was relocated on the Woodlake Elementary campus.  The next year, I was given the opportunity to teach my very own life skills classroom at Mary Lou Hartman Elementary.  I taught life skills at Hartman Elementary for the first 10 years of my teaching career.  After my life skills classroom was closed at Hartman, I was moved to 野花社区视频 Middle school to teach their Life Skills classroom.   After that year, I was asked to teach the Apple Classroom (Autistic Unit) at Woodlake Hills Middle school.  However, I had always wanted to teach in an early childhood classroom and when the opportunity came up I applied for the position. I'm so happy and thankful to have the opportunity to once again be working at Woodlake Elementary and as the teacher in my own Early Childhood Special Education classroom.