

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Human Development (Psychology), UC Davis A.A. Early Childhood Education, Solano CC

Mrs. Tiffany Johnson

I'm thrilled to join the Converse Cougars!! This will be my first year teaching 3rd grade! But I'm not just a teacher; I'm a parent too, with two wonderful kids. My love for teaching and learning goes beyond the classroom.

I have a passion for exploring the world, both in and out of books. I've even lived in Okinawa, Japan, and scuba diving is one of my favorite hobbies. My educational background includes a BS in Human Development and Psychology from UC Davis.

In our classroom, I encourage curiosity and questioning because I believe that's where true learning begins. Together, let's make this school year memorable, fun, and full of growth for your child.

Looking forward to a fantastic year!