Phone: 210-662-2250


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science Degree- Interdisciplinary Studies Certification- Generalist EC-4

Ms. Renadia Eleby-Francis

What a privilege it will be to educate your second grader this 2023-2024 school year. This is my fourth year teaching at 野花社区视频 ISD as well as at Escondido Elementary School. I graduated from East Central High School and obtained my bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Prairie View A&M University. I am currently enrolled at Texas A&M San Antonio for my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. This will be my 16th year of teaching and 26th year working with children. I have taught Pre-K4, Kindergarten, First and Second grade.

I am a mother to a high school senior. We have two dogs, Isabella and Sadie. We have celebrated 3 years in our home.We are Christians and attend Mount Sinai Baptist Church. In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with my daughter, family and friends. 

A few of my favorite things are: any and all things Mickey The Mouse, golden oreos, kiwi strawberry snapple, white chocolate reeses peanut butter cups, Nutter Butter cookies, Honey brown sugar turkey bites, Cool Ranch Doritos, Calming scents, Chick-fil-a, McCalister's, HEB, Amazon. Here is the link to my teacher wish list:


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