Phone: (210)357-0801


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology Minor in Education Ec-12 Certified in Physical Education

Ms. Coach Monday

Hi, I’m Coach Deanira Monday. I am native to San Antonio, but attended college in Austin at a historically Black University--Huston-Tillotson. While at Huston-Tillotson, I played basketball as a guard for the Mighty Rams. Once I graduated, I moved back to San Antonio, became an educator and coach, and joined the 野花社区视频 Jaguars team.


The 2023-2024 school year begins my 12th year of teaching/coaching. As a girls' coach, it is important to me to be a strong role model for the athletes I support and motivate on a daily basis. We expect a lot from our student athletes but we also put forth the best effort to make sure they have the foundation and skills necessary to be successful. The JMS athletic program is not one for people who give up easily. However, as a 野花社区视频 Jaguar, you can expect a competitive spirit, pride in oneself and your team, perseverance and camaraderie. It truly does take a village to coach a child. My coaching philosophy stems from my belief in education, girl power and commitment, and comes from the philosopher, Ayn Rand: “ “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”