• wow, I didn't know that graphic


    Eating a meal prepared by our JISD Child Nutrition kitchens can be a delicious experience that is also nutritionally formulated for your good health. But there may be a few things that you've never thought about or known to ask about that could make your experience in the cafeteria better and even more enjoyable. For instance...


    • High school students can take up to a cup of fruits and vegetables at no additional charge.
    • If there's no working water fountain in the cafeteria, you can get a cup of water for free in the cafeteria.
    • Milk is a good beverage choice for all ages.  In addition to providing hydration, it offers calcium and protein.
    • Breakfast is free every day. There is a charge for lunch at several of our campuses (non-CEP schools), but families attending these schools can apply for Free or Reduced-priced meals by . 
    • If your food isn't satisfactory, contact a child nutrition member for a change.
    • If you are unsure about trying a new food, you can request a small sample of an item.
    • Access the school menus and nutritional information on .


    Here are some other resources that may also be helpful.