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District libraries strive to be a special place for all students

A stereotypical library is quiet with a bunch of dusty books and a sign that tells all to “Shhhh, someone is reading.” If that’s what you think a 野花社区视频 ISD library is like, think again!

Our campus libraries are vibrant and have librarians who are not only passionate about reading but also passionate about keeping our libraries relevant to students and teachers.

A visit to the Veterans Memorial High School library where Pamela Arevalo-Thompson is the librarian is a testament to an updated approach to libraries. Making the space comfortable for all types of students encourages them to use the library when they need it for academic purposes. 

“When kids come in they know they can use the maker space, use the game space, or the puzzle space. We have ping pong tables that we bring out on Friday. We have microwaves so kids can eat lunch here. We try to make it so that anyone who comes into the library, even if they're not a reader, can find something to do,” Arevalo-Thompson said.

And it’s not just the space that has changed. Arevalo-Thompson wants students to know that their librarian is approachable, accessible, and even fun. She is known as the Dancing Librarian and uses social media to connect with students. 

“The reason I started doing it [social media] was to try to get rid of those stereotypes, so kids would see me as approachable. Whether it's to recommend a book or to help them with their research, I didn't want them to feel like they couldn't approach me because I'm the librarian,” Arevalo-Thompson said.

Now, don’t get the idea that the library is just a place for dances and games. The 野花社区视频’s libraries provide an amazing array of resources for students and teachers alike. They have access to databases with everything from study guides for the SAT and trade tests to resume and cover letter builders.

“We have so many resources that I think sometimes people forget about the many tools we have available to students and staff,” Arevalo-Thompson said.

According to Arevalo-Thompson, it doesn’t matter which library you step into at 野花社区视频 ISD - you will encounter a great librarian to help you with all of the resources they offer.

“They are passionate, intelligent and creative. They always amazed me. Anytime we have a conversation together, they teach me something, something about librarianship,” Arevalo-Thompson said.

Whether you go to a library to do test prep, research, create something in the Maker Space, dance with the librarian for social media, or simply read, you can guarantee it will have what you need - no matter what your interests are, because JISD libraries evolve. 

“Whatever you need, we have it here.  And if we don't have it, we'll find it. And that's what I love about being a librarian. I may not know the answer, but I can find the answer. And I find that fun. Some people think libraries aren't relevant but that’s not true. We're just always changing with the times. Whatever is necessary, we provide those resources and I don't think that's ever going to go away,” Arevalo-Thompson said.

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