Student Safety



      Safety is a Top Priority at JISD

      Student Safety is a fundamental concern of 野花社区视频 ISD. Because a student's well-being is a pre-requisite before education can begin, JISD's Police Dept and Pupil Services Office work in tandem to ensure the health and safety of all of our students. Please browse the programs and services below for more information on what JISD is doing to guard our students and their education. Click a topic for more info:

       - District-wide phone calling technology delivers important inform to our community quickly by phone

       - Program aimed at reducing bullying throughout the District

       - Program for reporting crimes happening on or around JISD

       - Provides students with the skills they need to avoid gang pressure.

       - Reaches out to students who are having difficulties with relationships, stress, grades, substance abuse and finances.


      Keeping you informed is a top priority of the 野花社区视频 Independent School District. That is why 野花社区视频 has chosen to implement the BrightArrow Notification Service, which will allow us to send a telephone or e-mail message to you providing important information about school events or emergencies.

      In the event of an emergency at school, you can be assured that you will be informed immediately by phone. The successful delivery of information is dependent upon accurate contact information for each student, so please make certain that we have your most current phone numbers and email addresses. If this information changes during the year, please notify the school immediately.

      What you need to know about receiving calls sent through BrightArrow

      • Caller ID will display the school's main number when a general announcement is delivered.
      • BrightArrow will leave a message on any answering machine or voicemail.

      If your contact information has changed since the start of the school year, please be sure to contact your child's campus.

      Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 野花社区视频 ISD is very excited to incorporate BrightArrow as a tool to improve parent communication. We look forward to having the ability to deliver real time information to you and provide awareness of the important events happening at your school.


      The 野花社区视频 Independent School District has been working to reduce bullying throughout the District in order to create a safer and more positive learning environment for all the students. This initiative began because when the Pupil Services Director teamed with the 野花社区视频 Police Department and created a needs assessment by surveying students and one of the biggest issues that the students reported having a problem with was bullying.

      In response to this survey, the District formed a Bullying Reduction Program that includes a contact person from each campuses in the 野花社区视频 which meets quarterly to discuss concerns, techniques for solutions, new and innovative approaches to bully reduction and to monitor the effectiveness of the bullying reduction program. Suggestions and concerns that were raised in this committee have been taken very seriously by District administrators, as well as all the School Board members. Some of the activities that have occurred to address bullying include:

      • Staff participating in reporting bullying incidents to the campus contact person
      • PowerPoint presentation detailing the effects of bullying on a school campus
      • Additional classroom curriculum is being used during classroom guidance classes
      • Raise the consciousness of where bullying take place, playgrounds, cafeteria, the buses, the hall ways, the rest room and the route to and from school.
      • Additional emphasis on bullying during campus monitoring
      • Tracking of incidents of bullying
      • Spotlight where parents can get information on bullying
      • Continued surveys of students and beginning to survey some parents

      The District is committed to continue working on educating our students on what bullying is and how to stop it. We want all students to have a positive experience at school.

      Crime Stoppers

      Program for reporting crimes happening on or around JISD campuses and facilities. Rewards for tips leading to conviction range up to $100. 

      G.R.E.A.T. Program

      G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) is a life-skills competency program designed to provide students with the skills they need to avoid gang pressure and youth violence.

      G.R.E.A.T.'s violence prevention curriculum helps students develop beliefs and practice behaviors that will help them avoid destructive behaviors.

      This proven curriculum will teach the students:

      • Truths about gangs and violence
      • Roles in their families, schools and communities
      • Goals setting tips
      • How to make G.R.E.A.T. decisions
      • Communication skills
      • Empathy for others
      • Responding to peer pressure
      • Anger management
      • Resolving conflicts

      Substance Abuse Prevention Program

      Student assistance based program, a dedicated and committed system of reaching out to students who are having difficulties with relationships, stress, grades, substance abuse and finances. The individual not only receives special training, but has committed their time, energy and experience, along with a strong desire to assist students in addressing their needs. The Student Assistance program coordinator works together with students and their families by offering appropriate in-school or out-of-school services and/or resources.

      What is S.A.P.A.?

      The Student Assistance Professionals Association of Texas, Incorporated, is a non-profit group located in Austin that offers assistance and support of Student Assistance Programs state-wide. From funding to resources, S.A.P.A. plays a large part of Texas Schools Student Assistance Program Each year S.A.P.A. sponsors a training seminar to which counselors and other caring members of staff and community volunteers may attend to gather new information and reinforce what is already known. Resource, networking and supporting for the purposes of prevention and intervention are goals that S.A.P.A. continually strives to meet. The end result is program offerings that inevitably will help at-risk students who either are not currently being served under any other school-based program or who need services in addition to what is already being received.