Phone: 210-661-1130


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's degree in English with a Minor in Communication EC-6th Generalist Certification GT certification ESL certification Google Certification

Mrs. Angela Wright

Angela Wright-  RTI teacher

My name is Angela Wright. I am so excited about teaching  in the 2022-2023 school year.  I have taught since 2012.  I have previously taught kindergarten, 1st grade and RTI.  I am currently teaching Response to Intervention.  I am certified for Early Education to 6th with a GT and ESL certifications. I have an English Degree with a minor in Communication from UTSA.  I am passionate about teaching children to love reading.  I have completed the Reading Academies.  I am excited about helping students become better readers.  

In response to intervention, we use the SPIRE curriculum to support reading skills.  To support students in math in response to intervention, we use ENI and ESTAR curriculum.    

Teacher Student Parent Communication

Communication is key to insuring the success of our students. We provide a variety of ways to keep the lines of communication open.


       1. Email - Teachers check their email several times throughout the day. Please email me if

              you have any concerns or questions!


       2. Phone - You may call the school and leave a message for me at 210-661-1130.


Mission Statement

Elolf Steam Academy is creating innovative students from diverse backgrounds to become critical thinkers and visionaries through collaborative learning, with read-world problem-solving skills, while motivating them to adapt and find innovative solutions to local and global challenges.


Elolf Steam Academy is producing confident, productive, lifelong learners.