Phone: (210) 661-1130


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies Certifications in the following: EC-4 Generalist EC-12 Special Education EC-12 ESL

Mrs. Melody Lewis


I am Mrs. Lewis, and we are getting close to the end of the school year. Teaching 1st grade is amazing, as our students learn such a vast amount of information over the course of the school year. We have worked hard and learned a lot! Most of the students came in unable to read and not knowing their letters and letter sounds. Today, almost everyone in the class knows their letters and letter sounds, and they can read! Not only can the students read, but they can add and subtract, tell time to the half hour, know place value, and so much more!

I’ve enjoyed having my students, and love sending them to the next grade level.