Phone: 210-661-1130


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: Bachelor: Southwest Texas State University (2001) Masters: University of Phoenix (2011) Certifications: Generalist EC-6 ESL Supplemental EC-12 Science 4-8 Physical Education EC-12

Mrs. Hinds



Hello, and welcome to 4th grade!!  I am so excited about spending this school year with all of you!!  This year will be full of new concepts as we prepare for the transition to fifth grade. 

My dream as a child was to be a teacher.  Although that dream didn’t come true for me until later in life, here I am, teaching and LOVING EVERY moment!  My educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree from Southwest Texas State University (GO BOBCATS!) and a Master’s Degree from the University of Phoenix. I began my teaching career in 2015 at Dr. Tomas Rivera Elementary School in Crystal City, TX. I moved back to the San Antonio area in 2016 and was lucky enough to join this AWESOME Elolf STEAM Academy School team!  I LOVE teaching at a STEAM school as it allows us to integrate hands-on learning in EVERY subject!  The students love it and are so much more engaged in their learning. 

My classroom is filled with kindness, respect, and high expectations.  I believe each and every student is capable of achieving their goals, and we will work together to ensure success!

Together, we will make this the best year yet!!!