Phone: (210) 661-1130


Degrees and Certifications:

Certified EC-4

Mrs. Cantu

I am so excited about this school year!  I look forward to all the great activities planned. I can’t wait to begin teaching and learning with my students as well as working with their parents and families to ensure achievement and progress.

This is my 20th year teaching and my 17th year at Elolf STEAM Academy. I have spent my Elolf years teaching 4th grade and 2nd grade.  Teaching 2nd grade captured my heart!

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns so I can do my best to address them in a timely manner.  I hold my students accountable for their actions and have high expectations for each of them.  I am absolutely certain every child can succeed!

Parents, please be vigilant in checking your emails for important information from me, Elolf, and JISD. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

As always, thank you for your support!